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Case Study: Ghana-SADA

The Savannah Accelerated Development Authority

(SADA) is an independent agency for coordinating a

comprehensive development agenda for the northern

savannah ecological zone in Ghana. SADA’s main

objective is to promote sustainable development while

remaining cognisant of environmental impact when

delivering solutions to improve the livelihood of the

communities in Ghana’s northern regions.

As with many under-developed regions of the world,

equipment quality was critical – both in terms of robustness

in tough terrain and in terms of the quality of material

output. Another key factor for SADA is cost-effectiveness:

it needed to deliver quality structures that could be put up

as economically and quickly as possible.

SADA procured 50 Hydraform M7MI machines and after the

machines arrived in Ghana, Hydraform personnel

travelled there to conduct the training programme in

December 2013. This included a two-and-a-half month

intensive training programme covering everything from

soil selection to production and construction. The practical

training element saw six classrooms, the principal’s office, a

staff room, a store room and bathroom facilities built in only

two months.

All the trained engineers and technicians have now

returned to their districts for the roll-out of the remainder

of the programme: replicating what they have learned for

the construction of houses, clinics, classrooms and other

structures in their communities. They will also train the

youth in their districts to assist in skills development and

the rebuilding of their communities.

Enabling community


Hydraform’s relationship with the Savannah Accelerated

Development Authority began in early 2012 and sprang

from the need for a sustainable housing solution.